2025 Induction Service
February 22, 2025 | 11am
We Enter to Worship
Processional - Colors Guards, Pathfinders, Counselors, Instructors, Master Guides & Parents
Posting of Colors
Call to Worship - Pathfinder Alex
Invocation - Elder Kirk Williams
Doxology “I Will Bless the Lord” - Praise Team
Pastoral Emphasis & Welcome - Pastor Michael Coleman
Presentation to SHRED Foundation
Declaration of Induction Service
Director Rochelle Williams: Today, we join with family and friends to induct 9 Pathfinders into the Pathfinder Club and 4 Pathfinders into the first rank of the Teen Leadership Training Program.
With this said, I now declare that the induction ceremony of the Capital City Satellites Pathfinder Club is called to order and is now in session.
Investiture Level Candles
Praise Team
Worship Through Dedication
Hymn of Worship - Hymn #TBD - Praise Team
Scripture Reading - Scripture Reading TBD - Pathfinders Ezra & Ashlean
Song of Preparation - Praise Team
Intercessory Prayer - Pathfinders Michael & George
Special Music - Pathfinders
Tithe & Offering - Pathfinder Gershom Paul
Lighting of Candles
Director Rochelle Williams: For the light of our program, we turn to the “Spirit of Pathfindering”. The candle that is now light represents this spirit. It is the spirit of adventure, fun, learning, camaraderie, awareness and wakening, and about all, a Spirit of Reverence, and the Spirit of Service to GOD and man. But this light itself is not complete nor sufficient, so I call on the assistance of our instructors and counselors to add the lights of the investiture achievement levels.
TLT Miller: The Pathfinder Friend Investiture Level is a course of study in learning skills and physical fitness that will help one to be a better neighbor now and a friend of God throughout eternity.
TLE Johnson: The Pathfinder Companion Investiture Level is a course of study in learning skills and physical fitness that will give more meaning to life and companionship with Jesus Christ every hour of the day.
TLT Williams: The Pathfinder Explorer Investiture Level is a course of study that will help one to find new adventures in exploring God's Word and His created works.
MG Halley: The Pathfinder Ranger Investiture Level is a course of study that will open up new areas of discovery in the natural and spiritual worlds to secure true and genuine happiness.
MG Belle: The Pathfinder Voyager Investiture Level is a course of study in physical, mental, cultural, and spiritual development that challenges the teen to develop a wholesome self-concept and Christian lifestyle.
MG Prass-Johnson: The Pathfinder Guide Investiture Level is a course of study that emphasizes personal growth and spiritual discoveries and prepares the Pathfinder for the development of new skills in leadership and survival techniques.
TLT David Jesse Williams: The Teen Leadership Training (TLT) program is a four-year course designed to train, mentor, and challenge the teen Pathfinder with new and meaningful responsibilities in the Pathfinder ministry, and the mission and outreach of the church. The program promotes the development of life skills, a sense of achievement, and responsibility. It also promotes greater understanding and respect for authority, and progressive development of leadership skills acquired and enhanced through actual supervised participation in real and meaningful positions of responsibility in the Pathfinder Ministry and the church. This provides the development of the next generation of leaders and assures the successful passing of the torch of leadership.
Deputy Director Barclay: For the light of the Teen Leadership Training Program, we turn to the red and black candles representing the spirit of the Teen Leadership Training Program. Its colors red and black represent sacrifice and duty as well as the spirit of reverence and service to God and man.
MG Deroche: The Master Guide Program is a course of study in your leadership that will enable the Pathfinder Leader to draw closer to God and teach the high ideals of the Pathfinder Club. The Master Guide Class will help one to lead young people to a greater knowledge and relationship with our Lord Jesus as our Savior.
Deputy Director Barclay: These candles represent all the good and noble achievements and learning that are embodied in the Pathfinder program. They symbolize both the high ideals for which Pathfindering stands, and the growth and achievement that each Pathfinder will experience as a member of the Pathfinder club.
member of the Pathfinder club.
Pledge & Law Candles
Deputy Director Barclay: We will now proceed with the solemn ceremony of lighting the Pathfinder Pledge candles.
Pledge Pathfinders: (Recite the Pathfinder) Pledge By the Grace of God, I will be pure, kind and true, I will keep the Pathfinder Law, I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.
Nathalia: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge “By the grace of GOD” which means I will rely on God to do His will.
Connor: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge “I will be pure” which means that I will rise above the wicked world I live in and keep my life clean in words and actions that will make others happy.
Denise: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge “I will be kind” which means that I will be considerate not only to all the people around me but also to God’s creation: the animals and the environment in which I live.
DaViaire: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge “I will be true” which means that I will be honest in study, work, or play, and will always do my very best.
Naomi: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge “I will keep the Pathfinder Law” which means I will understand the Pathfinder Law and live up to it.
Malia: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge “I will be a servant of GOD” which means I will put God first in everything.
Abigail: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge “I will be a friend to man” which means that I will treat others like I would want to be treated.
Deputy Director Barclay: On behalf of the Capital City Satellites Pathfinder Club, I accept the vow of the candidates and their representatives to live by the spirit and the principles of the Pathfinder Pledge.
Deputy Director Barclay: We will now proceed with the solemn ceremony of lighting the candles that symbolize the Pathfinder Law.
Law Pathfinders: (Recite the Pathfinder) Keep the morning watch, Do my honest part, Care for my body, Keep a level eye, Be courteous and obedient, Walk softly in the sanctuary, Keep a song in my heart,
Go on God's errand.
David: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Keep the Morning Watch” which means I will have prayer and personal Bible study each day.
Samuel: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Do my honest part” which means I will do my share and work and be there when other people need help.
Collesha: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Care for my body” which means I will not put anything harmful into my body, and I will stay physically fit.
Nicholas: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Keep a level eye” which means I will not lie, cheat, or talk dirty.
Elijah: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Be courteous and obedient” which means I will think about other people’s feelings and do what I am asked.
Gershom: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Walk softly in the sanctuary” which means I will be quiet in church and during worship.
Camille: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Keep a song in my heart” which means I will try always to be happy, even when I don’t feel like it.
Ernest: Ma’am, on behalf of the candidates I pledge to “Go on God’s errands” which means I will try to always be ready to tell people about Jesus.
Deputy Director Barclay: On behalf of the Capital City Satellites Pathfinder Club, Pathfinder Club I accept the vow of the candidates and their representatives to live by the spirit and the precepts of the Pathfinder Law.
Worship Through Sacrifice
Song of Meditation - Pathfinder Choir
Sermon - Elder Kirk Williams
Pathfinder Oath | TLT Affirmation & Vows
Deputy Director Barclay: Will all the candidates for membership please stand and come forward as your name is called so that you affirm your dedication to the high principles of the Pathfinder Club and the TLT program?
(Allow time for them to come to the front, at all times facing them in attention.)
Deputy Director Barclay: Pathfinders, please affirm your dedication to these high principles here presented by repeating the Pathfinder Pledge and Law.
Pathfinders, Present Arms, By the grace of God
New Pathfinder Inductees: I will be pure, and kind, and true. I will keep the Pathfinder Law. I will be a servant of God and a friend to man.
Deputy Director Barlcay: Order Arms, the Pathfinder Law is for me to:
New Pathfinder Inductees: Keep the morning watch, Do my honest part, Care for my body, Keep a level eye, Be courteous and obedient, Walk softly in the sanctuary, Keep a song in my heart, Go on God's errand.
Coordinator Menns: TLT Inductees, Present Arms
TLT Inductees: Loving the Lord Jesus, I promise to take an active part in the work of the Teen Leadership Training program, doing what I can to help others and to finish the work of the gospel in all the world.
Coordinator Menns: Order Arms
Now recognizing the privilege that is now yours and belonging to this section of Pathfinder Ministry called the Teen Leadership Training Program. It’s a choice you made because you filled out an application to be here. So, before all of us that is assembled here, but more, so before the Lord. I want you to join me in this very public covenant by raising your hand(s).
Do you promise with God being your helper to hold high the banner of the Teen Leadership Training Program in your daily walk?
TLT Inductees: I Do
Coordinator Menns: Do you also solemnly promise to share the love of God and the joy of the gospel of Jesus with others whenever the opportunity arises?
TLT Inductees: I Do
Coordinator Menns: Do here and now purpose in your heart to submit to the principles and disciplines that the TLT program offers?
TLT Inductees: I Do
Coordinator Menns: Do you promise to support the work of the Youth Ministry of the worldwide church?
TLT Inductees: I Do
Scarfing & Pinning of Inductees
MG Taffe: Will the parents or Guardians of each one that has been inducted into membership of the Capital City Satellites Pathfinder Club please come forward and stand behind your Pathfinder?
(Parents or guardians will scarf and pin their Pathfinders)
The Pathfinder standing before you needs the warmth, security, and love of an adult and family companionship. The Pathfinder Club is to encourage you in your care of this child, but not to take your place. Therefore, do you pledge your participation in the “Spirit of Pathfindering”? Parents/Guardians, please say I do.
Parents/Guardians: I Do
Lighting Ceremony of New Inductees
Elder Williams: You are now being presented a candle which you may now light from the “Spirit of Pathfindering” candles and place in the candle holder on the table in the front. Your light is now added to our club, and we charge you in the presence of these Pathfinders to let your light shine before others in the Spirit of Pathfindering.
Will all the returning pathfinders who are already members of the club please stand? I now invite all those in the audience who have been pathfinders in the past to stand. We now have the solemn privilege of lighting an individual candle to symbolize our commitment or rededication, to conduct our lives in accord with the high and noble precepts of the Pathfinder Pledge and Law.
(Give them time to light all the candles and put them in candle holders.)
Let us join our voices together as we sing the Pathfinder Song. (Closing Song)
Your light is now added to the other lights already burning brightly in our club, in our church, and across the land; and I solemnly charge you in the presence of these witnesses to let your light shine before others in the Spirit of Pathfindering, that all may see your good works, and may glorify our Father who dwells in Heaven.
Prayer of Consecration & Final Declaration
Pastor Michael Coleman: Please bow your heads as we pray that God will give you strength to live up to these high ideals and to be a faithful and loyal club member.
** The pastor, director, or another member of the pastoral team leads out in a prayer of consecration for the new members and families while the club stands in prayer attention.
Director Rochelle Williams: It gives me great pleasure to declare that these Pathfinders are now full-fledged members of the Capital City Satellites Pathfinder Club and the Teen Leadership Program of the Northeastern Conference of Seventh-day Adventists.
The new members then present themselves to the director to receive the hand of fellowship, followed by the deputy director, counselors, and captain of his/her unit. The secretary presents the new member with their Pathfinder Induction certificate.
We declare this induction service adjourned.